Wednesday, May 26, 2010

WMBC Random Thought of the Week: Let's Talk About Losers

No, no, not those type of losers (man that feels good). Let's talk about losers who lose to win. Confused? Sorry, let me digress.

Last night was the season finale of Biggest Loser 9, and man oh man, I love this type of stuff. I'm not one who gets sucked into reality shows easily, so take my word for this being awesome (that video works doubly, for this show being awesome but totally fake believable enough to make it legit).

With regard to getting hooked on reality shows, I guess I did get into an Inferno kick for a while there, but who among us hasn't? Then there's the greatest show known to man... Wait, wait I'm going to quit while I'm still ahead I still have some semblance of cred to talk about this and get back on topic.

This show works doubly for my post. First, it's a show that entirely focuses on "losers." I understand it's a play on words, but that doesn't take away from the inspiration you can get from the show, even if some of it feels so commercialized.

The second way this show applies to WMBC is way more awesome in my eyes and in taste of WMBC (wait for it....wait for it...). For those who live under a rock have never seen Biggest Loser, the contestant on the show who loses the highest percentage of body weight wins a quarter of a mil. A contestant is eliminated every week, and what would a reality show be without a good immunity challenge? Three finalists are selected to partake in the final "weigh-in", which is the adult way to create as much social anxiety as dodgeball does for kids. Of the actual losers eliminated contestants, the one who loses the highest percentage of weight wins $100,000. Ahh....the stage is set.

Four contestants make it to the finale, at which time in order to increase ratings involve the audience, America's vote determines whether the contestant who lost 3rd or 4th least at the semi finale gets the chance at the final weigh in. This is why it is awesome. Two people who have struggled with excessive weight and social pressures for all their lives still have success determined by a popularity contest "perceived work ethic." Great job, NBC. Psychological tactics never worked to well, nor got so many viewers!

Anywho. The beauty of how it works most of the time is the person who wins it all loses the most weight of anyone. But not last night. Koli lost America's vote to Daris for a shot at the final 3 and, therefore, the $250k. Let's review the two quickly. Daris broke down on a show early on while explaining that he has never had a girlfriend. A heart warmer, but this sentiment was felt by a few contestants, so nothing unique. Koli, meanwhile, after watching his cousin be eliminated after a tie vote due to less cumulative weight loss in an elimination, stated he wasn't going to root for his fellow contestants getting healthy and changing their lives any more and was completely focused on winning, cause screw them for losing more weight than your cousin, right?

Do I even need to tell you what ended up happening? Don't you love how sometimes some people get maybe just what they deserve?

The curse is present more often than you think, peoples. Get an eye for it and things become a lot funnier.

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